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Gempita Konferensi Rajab 1432 H

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

WikiLeaks Ready to Release More Documents 15 Thousand Lies Afghan War

LONDON-Founder WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Thursday declared the site is preparing to release again around 15 thousand documents about the war in Afghanistan. "We've passed the half way over," he told reporters in London, England. "This is a very expensive process." WikiLeaks has warned the Pentagon on Thursday about their secret documents that have been published previously. "This is a collection of mistakes that have put too many lives at risk," said Geoff Morrell, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs.

"The only way responsible for their actions, that is immediately delete all the documents that were stolen from their website and remove any classified materials from their computers," he said. "If they publish additional documents after hearing our concerns about the dangers that would harm the troops, allied, and Afghan civilians who are innocent, then it's a step that is very irresponsible." But Assange said he "absolutely" committed to continue to open war in Afghanistan lies with the release of the documents associated with it. "Every time we take one of the major organizations, they try and try to find ways to criticize us, and maybe there is some legitimate criticism in this regard," he said. "But we try hard to stay back with some material issue." Assange earlier said the website has 15 thousand additional documents to be published soon. However, there are a number of considerations because it can endanger the people who mentioned his name. (Repubika.co.id, 08/13/2010)

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